Monday, June 18, 2007

scootin' Leighton

Leighton is officially on the move, and it is normally a bee-line to the nearest remote control, or telephone.

bella puzzled

Bella loves her new puzzle she got when she was in Australia... and it just happens to be a map of Australia.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

a toothed Leighton

It's happened... Leighton has teeth coming through! Right now his teeth are kind of like diamond cutters; small, sharp, and able to cut through glass. They are on the bottom row - right in the middle. So, if you are thinking about sticking your fingers in Leighton's mouth, think again.

dictionary of Bella

With Bella's increasing vocabulary, it is just about time to release Version 1.0 of The Bella Dictionary, to help you out when next you interact with her. So here goes... "Me-How" - this means "I know how to do this" "Me-No" - this means "I can't figure this out" "Totney" - this means "Courtney" (as in Gause) "Nappit" - this means "napkin" "AmosAndy" - this means Nana's turtles, "Amos and Andy" "Mackel" - this means "Matt Hall" "Pa House" - this means "Australia" "What Sayed?" - this means "what did you just say" "Happen?" - this means, "can you tell me what just happened?" "Emo Noodo" - this means "flotation device used in the pool" Got any requests for the dictionary? Let Bella's Daddy know!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

unicorn bella

bearded leighton