Monday, October 30, 2006

leighton: october's favorite things

I want to be like my sister, and even though I have only been around for half of October, I thought I'd give it a shot. I love: Sleeping - I pretty much am asleep 25 hours a day Making dirty daipers - from tar, to mustard, to seedy, to good ol' pee. It's all good My Mummy - she feeds me, and gets up at night with me. I think Dad is lazy My Sister - she loves to have me sit on her lap, and I know she tries to help me when she can

bella: october's favourite things

My Dad said that maybe once a month I should let you know all the things that I love in life... here goes... I love: Hiding from People - come to the door, I'll hide. Did something wrong, I'll hide. Daiper needs changing, I'll hide. Running around naked - as soon as you take my clothes off, I'll try to run away and cruise around naked and screaming. Talking non-stop - most of the time I don't make sense, but I love to talk and repeat myself until I am heard Play-Doh - blue is my favorite color and blue play-doh is especially awesome. I love to make cell phones with play-doh The number 2 - ask me any question that involves number, and I will answer with "two" Helping Mummy with Leighton - I am good with getting wet-wipes and daipers... and I always help with burping, thats my favorite part

Saturday, October 28, 2006

leighton: check out my crib!

Though I don't sleep in my crib yet (I'm still in the cradle right by Mummy), I hung out there for a little bit today as my parents were cleaning in my room. I invited Bella over to check out the place, I think she likes it, and I hope you'll like it too when you come over and visit!

bella: no more crib walls

Just like Berlin in the 80's, today the wall came down. Daddy did a little upgrade on my crib, and now I have a toddler bed!

bella: strike a pose

My Dad took this picture of me... and I can honestly say that he didn't ask me to sit like this... poses like this can't be taught!

bella & leighton: the petting zoo

Last Sunday Leighton and I (this is Bella writing) were taken to the Petting Zoo in San Juan Capistrano by Mum, Dad and Pa. I had a good time, even though most animals scare me, but I fed the statue animals lots of carrots. Pa took me on the train and we both loved it. I think Pa got dizzy as it was a short track. Leighton seemed to like the zoo, but he slept through most of it, but I forgive him as he was only 4 days old. Enjoy the pics, you can click on them to make them larger.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

bella -- my lost costume!

Last night I went to Allison Hibbard's birthday party, it was a Lost themed party! There were people dressed up in costumes and I was a little scared, but I had a sweet "others" costume on that my Nana made for me. Plus, Allison made a sweet shirt for me and I wore it all day today and cried when I had to take it off. Thanks Allison!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

bella -- i'm a big sister!

I've been waiting a while and now it finally happened! Mummy went to the hospital yesterday, and now all of a sudden I have a little baby brother! His name is Leighton, but I still call him "baby". Pretty soon I'll call him by name. I like to give him kisses, point at his facial features and have him sit down on my lap while Nana holds him. I'll let you know more about Leighton when Mum and Dad bring him back from the hospital.

Monday, October 9, 2006

my trip to the Pumpkin Patch

My BFF (Dad) was out of town this week and I was excited for him to get back so that we could hang-out and go to the Pumpkin Patch. Lot's of pictures were taken and a few pumpkins were purchased.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

my more serious modeling side

Click on the picture above to get a really good look at my more serious side... plus you can see my Mum and her friends and Ryanne's wedding!

Monday, October 2, 2006

i was a flowergirl!

Here are some pics my Dad took during Jonathan and Ryanne's wedding yesterday... I think I looked pretty cute!