Thursday, February 28, 2008

leighton and julius: unite!

Here we are, our first time together, me and a Paul Frank shirt with Julius. My Mommy is very happy and proud of me today!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

leighton: my face

I've had this "thing" on my face for a few months now... I thought maybe it was a pimple, but I am not hitting puberty just yet, then I thought maybe it was a beauty spot a la Cindy Crawford. But, it was neither. My doctor didn't want any part of it, so he sent me to the Pediatric Dermatologist (too hard to pronounce). After having my Mommy hold me down, the doc went to work and ended up pulling out this little ball of oil that as about as big as a kernel of corn! Who would have thought that thing was sitting inside my face?! The synopsis: a dermoid cyst. Now removed and I am looking good!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

leighton: vocab update

I have really been working on my communication skills - apparently grunting and pointing won't get me very far in life. Here is my full repertoire... -Ball -Bella -Mama -Ball -Lola -Hello -Ball -Dadda -Nana -Toe -Quack quack -Ball-ball


We just got back form Cincinnati last night... let me tell you a bit about our trip! -Our flights were fun - i got to eat pizza in Houston and then go on a really small plane from Houston to Cincinnati. It was snowing in Cincinnati and really really cold. -Daddy and I got to share a bed! I liked snuggling and kicking him in the middle of the night. -I got to play with lots of people... Neely, Misha, Dylan, Molly, Abbey Jane, Funny Allison, and had fun with Hide-and-Seek with Cassie. -My mini-teacup set was great to play with on the plane, and once Daddy combined this with Play-Doh it didn't fall of the tray! -I got to wear my ugg-boots all weekend long

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

bella & leighton: leaving on a jet plane

We are going on a plane tomorrow! Bella: I love planes, taking my purple backpack on board and doing up the seat-belts. Leighton: I love playing with mini basketballs, and my parents packed one for the plane ride, so I like planes! I also like smiling at strangers, and a plane ride provides ample opportunities for this.

lola: on vacation

Hi, I'm Lola (unofficially)... this is a picture of me on vacation in Kauai. It was very relaxing! More to come from me in a few months. Lola

Sunday, February 17, 2008

a blog break

daddy (who claims to write all our blogs) has been on a bot of a blog vacation for the last few weeks but has promised more blogs over the coming weeks. Leighton and I are always doing fun things, learning and growing, so there is no excuses for not blogging! Hearts, Bella